Sunday, 8 May 2011

First Trimester Hospital Visit

A few days ago I went for my first trimester hospital visit. I live in Australia and I'm going through the public health system. At my local hospital they allow a small group of women to work with just a small group of midwives, meaning they'll be familiar with the women who'll be delivering their baby.

The group is based on low risk pregnancies and takes only 20 women each month. Everyone else who delivers at the hospital will have a midwife chosen at random depending on when they have their baby.

I'm hoping to be one of the 20 women selected, so I have a higher chance of working with a midwife who understands what I want from a silent birth and follows my birth plan. Since my first labour was only four hours, I'm sure that turning up and talking to a midwife who I've never met will be a lot more stressful.

If I don't get selected, I'm considering either using a trainee midwife from a local university or going through a new program which allows women to select a single midwife but is still government subsidised.

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