Friday, 13 May 2011

Reactions of Friends & Family to Silent Birth

Not surprisingly, the fact that I'm planning a silent birth has caused mixed reactions in families and friends, mostly negative. Many people automatically connect such an idea with cultist and religious behaviour that can't be mentally or physically healthy.

Of course I'm more than happy to point out the flaws in the argument as well as explain why it's got nothing to do with religion. It seems that most people have an issue with the fact that the mother can't make any noise during the labor - of course when they understand that the mother is free to make as much noise as she wishes, they're much more receptive to the idea.

I don't have any more major appointments till my next scan and hospital appointment at the end of June and start of July. I should also find out around that time if I've been accepted into the midwife caseload to have a small and familiar group of midwives available at the birth.

So until then I probably won't be doing updates -  instead I'll be laying back and trying to get over the last of my morning (or all day) sickness. Once I reach 20 weeks I'll have more of an opportunity to discuss the birth with midwives and see what the best approach is for planning the birth. In the meantime I'll probably work on a sample birth plan at some stage before then, too. You can keep an eye on how far along I am with the tracker at the bottom of the page. 

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